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/ Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis / Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis.iso / CH_6.2 / XPTSTATS / XPTSTATS.MDP (.txt) < prev    next >
Microsoft Developer Studio Project  |  1999-09-11  |  36KB  |  378 lines

  1. vcbks40.mvbi
  2. Open &Binary DatL7s
  3. I&mport.L7s
  4. &Export.L7s
  5. Check &Mnemonics
  6. Insert OLE Control...
  7. F&iles into Project.4;s
  8. &Settings...4;s
  9. &Settings...
  10. C&onfigurations.
  11. Subproj&ects
  12. Set Default Con&figuration..
  13. &Settings...
  14. &Project
  15. &Compile
  16. &Compile
  17. Set as Default Project
  18. Build
  19. &Rebuild All
  20. Batch B&uild
  21. Stop &Build    Ctrl+Bre
  22. Update &All Dependencies
  23. E&xecute
  24. Delete intermediate files
  25. Build
  26. &RebuildA
  27. Step &In
  28. Ru&n to Curs
  29. UpdateRemoteOutputFi
  30. Intermediate
  31. Workspac
  32. Microsoft Develo
  33. Remote Targe
  34. Workspace Na
  35. Target P
  36. Target N
  37. Input Pa
  38. Input Na
  39. Remote Target Pa
  40. Check &Mnemonics
  41. Insert OLE Control...
  42. F&iles into Project.4;s
  43. &Settings...4;s
  44. &Settings...
  45. C&onfigurations.
  46. Subproj&ects
  47. Set Default Con&figuration..
  48. &Settings...
  49. &Project
  50. &Compile
  51. &Compile
  52. Set as Default Project
  53. Build
  54. &Rebuild All
  55. Batch B&uild
  56. Stop &Build    Ctrl+Bre
  57. Update &All Dependencies
  58. E&xecute
  59. Delete intermediate files
  60. Build
  61. &RebuildA
  62. Step &In
  63. Ru&n to Curs
  64. UpdateRemoteOutputFi
  65. Intermediate
  66. Workspac
  67. Microsoft Develo
  68. Remote Targe
  69. Workspace Na
  70. Target P
  71. Target N
  72. Input Pa
  73. Input Na
  74. Remote Target Pa
  75. @    Control-C
  76. Control-Break
  77. Datatype Misalignment
  78. Access Violation
  79. In Page Error
  80.     No Memory
  81. Illegal Instruction
  82. Noncontinuable Exception
  83. Invalid Disposition
  84. Array Bounds Exceeded
  85. Float Denormal Operand
  86. Float Divide by Zero
  87. Float Inexact Result
  88. Float Invalid Operation
  89. Float Overflow
  90. Float Stack Check
  91. Float Underflow
  92. Integer Divide by Zero
  93. Integer Overflow
  94. Privileged Instruction
  95. Stack Overflow
  96. DLL Initialization Failed
  97. Microsoft C++ Exception
  98. Watch1
  99. Watch2
  100. Watch3
  101. Watch4
  102. Check &Mnemonics
  103. Insert OLE Control...
  104. F&iles into Project.4;s
  105. &Settings...4;s
  106. &Settings...
  107. C&onfigurations.
  108. Subproj&ects
  109. Set Default Con&figuration..
  110. &Settings...
  111. &Project
  112. &Compile
  113. &Compile
  114. Set as Default Project
  115. Build
  116. &Rebuild All
  117. Batch B&uild
  118. Stop &Build    Ctrl+Bre
  119. Update &All Dependencies
  120. E&xecute
  121. Delete intermediate files
  122. Build
  123. &RebuildA
  124. Step &In
  125. Ru&n to Curs
  126. UpdateRemoteOutputFi
  127. Intermediate
  128. Workspac
  129. Microsoft Develo
  130. Remote Targe
  131. Workspace Na
  132. Target P
  133. Target N
  134. Input Pa
  135. Input Na
  136. Remote Target Pa
  137. Go to Definition
  138. Group by Acc
  139. Add Function
  140. Add Variable
  141. Add to Component Gallery
  142. Go to Declaration
  143. &Component...
  144. @    Control-C
  145. Control-Break
  146. Datatype Misalignment
  147. Access Violation
  148. In Page Error
  149.     No Memory
  150. Illegal Instruction
  151. Noncontinuable Exception
  152. Invalid Disposition
  153. Array Bounds Exceeded
  154. Float Denormal Operand
  155. Float Divide by Zero
  156. Float Inexact Result
  157. Float Invalid Operation
  158. Float Overflow
  159. Float Stack Check
  160. Float Underflow
  161. Integer Divide by Zero
  162. Integer Overflow
  163. Privileged Instruction
  164. Stack Overflow
  165. DLL Initialization Failed
  166. Microsoft C++ Exception
  167. Watch1
  168. Watch2
  169. Watch3
  170. Watch4
  171. Check &Mnemonics
  172. Insert OLE Control...
  173. F&iles into Project.4;s
  174. &Settings...4;s
  175. &Settings...
  176. C&onfigurations.
  177. Subproj&ects
  178. Set Default Con&figuration..
  179. &Settings...
  180. &Project
  181. &Compile
  182. &Compile
  183. Set as Default Project
  184. Build
  185. &Rebuild All
  186. Batch B&uild
  187. Stop &Build    Ctrl+Bre
  188. Update &All Dependencies
  189. E&xecute
  190. Delete intermediate files
  191. Build
  192. &RebuildA
  193. Step &In
  194. Ru&n to Curs
  195. UpdateRemoteOutputFi
  196. Intermediate
  197. Workspac
  198. Microsoft Develo
  199. Remote Targe
  200. Workspace Na
  201. Target P
  202. Target N
  203. Input Pa
  204. Input Na
  205. Remote Target Pa
  207. /nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\libimage" /I " ..\..\libtiff\libtiff" /I " ..\..\libip" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"Release/xptstats.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /c 
  208. /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" 
  209. !/nologo /o"Release/xptstats.bsc" 
  210. kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ..\..\libimage\Release\libimage.lib ..\..\libtiff\libtiff\Release\libtiff.lib ..\..\libip\Release\libip.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/xptstats.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/xptstats.exe" 
  211. +D:\book\book.cup\ch_6.2\xptstats\xptstats.c
  213. /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\..\libimage" /I " ..\..\libtiff\libtiff" /I " ..\..\libip" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"Debug/xptstats.pch" /YX /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /c 
  214. /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" 
  215. /nologo /o"Debug/xptstats.bsc" 
  216. kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ..\..\libimage\Debug\libimage.lib ..\..\libtiff\libtiff\Debug\libtiff.lib ..\..\libip\Debug\libip.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:yes /pdb:"Debug/xptstats.pdb" /debug /machine:I386 /out:"Debug/xptstats.exe" 
  217. +D:\book\book.cup\ch_6.2\xptstats\xptstats.c
  218. xptstats - Win32 Release
  219. xptstats.mak
  220. CProject
  221. xptstats - Win32 Release
  222. xptstats - Win32 Release
  223. xptstats - Win32 Debug
  224. CTargetItem
  225. .\xptstats.c
  226. CFileItem
  227. CDependencyContainer
  228. xptstats.h
  229. CDependencyFile
  230. CDependencyFile
  231. CDependencyFile
  232. tiffio.h
  233. CDependencyFile
  234. draw.h
  235. CDependencyFile
  236. lldef.h
  237. CDependencyFile
  238. sgl_stat.h
  239. CDependencyFile
  240. convolve.h
  241. CDependencyFile
  242. pcc2.h
  243. CDependencyFile
  244. bdy_stru.h
  245. CDependencyFile
  246. tiff.h
  247. CDependencyFile
  248. tiffimage.h
  249. CDependencyFile
  250. CDependencyFile
  251. misc.h
  252. CDependencyFile
  253. images.h
  254. CDependencyFile
  255. CDependencyContainer
  256. xptstats.h
  257. CDependencyFile
  258. CDependencyFile
  259. CDependencyFile
  260. tiffio.h
  261. CDependencyFile
  262. draw.h
  263. CDependencyFile
  264. lldef.h
  265. CDependencyFile
  266. sgl_stat.h
  267. CDependencyFile
  268. convolve.h
  269. CDependencyFile
  270. pcc2.h
  271. CDependencyFile
  272. bdy_stru.h
  273. CDependencyFile
  274. tiff.h
  275. CDependencyFile
  276. tiffimage.h
  277. CDependencyFile
  278. CDependencyFile
  279. misc.h
  280. CDependencyFile
  281. images.h
  282. CDependencyFile
  283. &RebuildA
  284. Step &In
  285. Ru&n to Curs
  286. UpdateRemoteOutputFi
  287. Intermediate
  288. Workspac
  289. Microsoft Develo
  290. Remote Targe
  291. Workspace Na
  293. /nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\libimage" /I " ..\..\libtiff\libtiff" /I " ..\..\libip" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"Release/xptstats.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /c 
  294. /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" 
  295. !/nologo /o"Release/xptstats.bsc" 
  296. kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ..\..\libimage\Release\libimage.lib ..\..\libtiff\libtiff\Release\libtiff.lib ..\..\libip\Release\libip.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/xptstats.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/xptstats.exe" 
  297. +D:\book\book.cup\ch_6.2\xptstats\xptstats.c
  299. /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\..\libimage" /I " ..\..\libtiff\libtiff" /I " ..\..\libip" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"Debug/xptstats.pch" /YX /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /c 
  300. /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" 
  301. /nologo /o"Debug/xptstats.bsc" 
  302. kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ..\..\libimage\Debug\libimage.lib ..\..\libtiff\libtiff\Debug\libtiff.lib ..\..\libip\Debug\libip.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:yes /pdb:"Debug/xptstats.pdb" /debug /machine:I386 /out:"Debug/xptstats.exe" 
  303. +D:\book\book.cup\ch_6.2\xptstats\xptstats.c
  304. xptstats - Win32 Release
  305. xptstats.mak
  306. CProject
  307. xptstats - Win32 Release
  308. xptstats - Win32 Release
  309. xptstats - Win32 Debug
  310. CTargetItem
  311. .\xptstats.c
  312. CFileItem
  313. CDependencyContainer
  314. xptstats.h
  315. CDependencyFile
  316. CDependencyFile
  317. CDependencyFile
  318. tiffio.h
  319. CDependencyFile
  320. draw.h
  321. CDependencyFile
  322. lldef.h
  323. CDependencyFile
  324. sgl_stat.h
  325. CDependencyFile
  326. convolve.h
  327. CDependencyFile
  328. pcc2.h
  329. CDependencyFile
  330. bdy_stru.h
  331. CDependencyFile
  332. tiff.h
  333. CDependencyFile
  334. tiffimage.h
  335. CDependencyFile
  336. CDependencyFile
  337. misc.h
  338. CDependencyFile
  339. images.h
  340. CDependencyFile
  341. CDependencyContainer
  342. xptstats.h
  343. CDependencyFile
  344. CDependencyFile
  345. CDependencyFile
  346. tiffio.h
  347. CDependencyFile
  348. draw.h
  349. CDependencyFile
  350. lldef.h
  351. CDependencyFile
  352. sgl_stat.h
  353. CDependencyFile
  354. convolve.h
  355. CDependencyFile
  356. pcc2.h
  357. CDependencyFile
  358. bdy_stru.h
  359. CDependencyFile
  360. tiff.h
  361. CDependencyFile
  362. tiffimage.h
  363. CDependencyFile
  364. CDependencyFile
  365. misc.h
  366. CDependencyFile
  367. images.h
  368. CDependencyFile
  369. &RebuildA
  370. Step &In
  371. Ru&n to Curs
  372. UpdateRemoteOutputFi
  373. Intermediate
  374. Workspac
  375. Microsoft Develo
  376. Remote Targe
  377. Workspace Na